I’m Kacie
After a life-changing solo trip and my own little ‘Under The Tuscan Sun’ moment, I made the official move to Italy in January 2021. Through a lens of positivity, I began sharing travel tips, life in Italy, and endless culture shocks that I was (and still am) experiencing as an American living abroad across social media…and it grew to become something bigger than I could have ever imagined.
With a community of over 1.5 million people, my goal is to encourage and help you travel abroad, all the while reminding you that you are so much more capable than you think you are.
Welcome – I’m so glad you’re here.

You Deserve Good Gelato
This book is for anyone who has ever been scared to make the jump – which means it’s a book for everyone.
Throughout these pages, I share stories of mistakes, failures, and all the lessons I’ve learned while traveling and living abroad that I’ve never talked about before so that no matter who you are, you feel empowered to take the leap – even if you’re scared.
So, you’re traveling to Italy
Have questions?
Don’t know where to start?
From solo travel to group travel, to officially moving to Italy in January 2021, I’ve done it all. I’ve made the mistakes, learned from them, and now I’m here to be your point of reference for all things travel, study abroad, and moving to Italy. Let me answer all the questions burning in your mind and turn any anxiety you may be feeling into excitement.

Do the sh*t that scares you
Your time on this planet *literally* has an expiration date. There’s no reset button – you don’t get a do-over. So yes, the thought of actually doing the thing that scares you the most might be terrifying, but the thought of being on your death bed and regretting all the things you didn’t do because you were too scared to do them?
Oof – that’s 1000x scarier.
So do the sh*t that scares you – because life is too short not to.
Do it because the most beautiful, unexpected rewards come from it.
Do it because even if it doesn’t work out, you had the courage to TRY – and that will ALWAYS be a win.